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Builds your website, creates your content, posts to your socials and grows your business while you focus on the fun stuff instead!

Limited Copies! Get Yours Now & Save $$$



60 Second Websites

Simply enter a keyword or URL to create a pro website in any niche!

60 Second Graphics

Attention-getting graphics for websites, blogs, sales funnels, and social media posts, done for you in seconds. 

60 Second Content

Say goodbye to writer's block forever! Plagiarism-free content created for you in a few clicks.

60 Second Support

AI-powered chatbots that offer you personalized,  multilingual support & proactive assistance 24/7!

60 Second Social Media Posting

Automatically create, schedule & publish content across all your socials in seconds. Just enter a keyword then sit back and relax!

60 Second CTA Bars

Create a custom Call-to-Action bar for your website with timers, text, coupon codes and buy buttons that explode sales!

It’s Like Having A 24/7 Marketing Agency In The Palm Of Your Hand!

The only difference is, you won’t be paying thousands per month for expert help, and you won’t need to deal with hiring, firing, delays or drama!

AI Multisuite brings you the marketing power of an entire agency that will help you quickly grow your traffic, leads and sales 24/7, while you get back to living your life!

From website creation to social media marketing and beyond, everything you need to launch a site, get traffic and save hours each day, all in one simple app!

  • No more juggling multiple tools
  • No more expensive subscriptions
  • No more hiring freelancers
  • No more endless grunt work


Your “60-Second Marketing Agency”

Marketing Done in 60 Seconds.



Automate creative or repetitive tasks such as website creation, graphic design, and content generation. Focus on doing what you love instead!


Why pay thousands per year for dozens of AI and SAAS subscriptions when you can have it all under one roof, with one simple login, for a one-time-only fee instead? 


Time to fire your marketing agency and stop spending thousands on average results. AI MultiSuite creates all your content, social posts, social scheduling, graphics, websites and more with a few simple taps.


“Got a chance to use and test AI MultiSuite in its beta phase and it was a revelation. The AI functionalities are superb, and the ease of use is remarkable. Harpreet K and her team have truly outdone themselves, creating a tool that addresses all our digital marketing needs. Her customer-focused approach meant that our feedback was not only heard but acted upon. A few new features were added at our suggestion, making AI MultiSuite even more powerful. Highly recommended!”

"Using AI MultiSuite has been an amazing experience. The website builder and the AI Content Generator are excellent and easy to use. The graphic design tool is simple, user-friendly simple yet powerful, perfect for any marketing need, with a plethora of customizable templates to choose from. Harpreet K has truly put her heart into this product. AI MultiSuite is a revolutionary, must have tool for digital marketers!"

Watch How Easy This Is!

Everything You Need To Launch Your New Website,
Grow Your Traffic And Explode Sales In Just Minutes Per Day!

AI Website Creator

Create up to 10 Websites with our state-of-the-art AI website creator. Save hours of work and thousands in freelancer fees with a website that you can host for free on our servers, or host on yours instead.

Website Template Library

Choose from 70 pro website templates to perfectly match your market and appeal to your audience. Each template is professionally designed to build trust and convert clicks into leads and sales.

Graphics Creator

Choose from 1000 proven Graphic Templates ready to edit with a simple drag & drop editor. Save countless hours with premium designs ready straight out the box.

AI Image Creator

Instantly create up to 50 images that stand out in the newsfeed, bring your sales pages to life, make your videos pop, and give your website serious visual appeal. No artistic skills needed — just enter your keyword and let the AI work its magic!

AI Customer Support

Get instant answers to any questions you have, discover new tips and tricks, and squeeze every last drop of profit out of your license with AI chatbot support. Our bots are highly trained to handle your questions specifically about AI MultiSuite, website building, content marketing, social media and more!

AI Content Creator

Create up to 50 pieces of plagiarism-free content. Save hours of researching, writing and editing with our advanced AI writer. With 50 pieces of content, you can start to build a serious authority website that ranks in Google, get seen on social and presell people on your offers!

AI CTA Bar Creator

Looking for an easy way to turn visitors into customers? A well-designed CTA Bar is proven to entice clicks, optins and sales like nothing else! Choose a sticky or non-sticky bar, place it in your header or footer, and finally get people to take your desired action!

No More Wasting Time And Money Creating Content People Don’t Care About!

Let’s face it…

… creating good website content, graphics, and social posts is hard work.

You can easily spend weeks building a website, filling it with content, creating social posts to promote it… but CRICKETS!

(Just because you spent hours creating it doesn’t mean people will care.)

AI MultiSuite uses the latest AI tech and proven templates to build high-converting, traffic-getting websites… epic and unique content… sales-boosting CTA bars… eyeball-grabbing social posts and unmissable graphics… helping you get the traffic and sales you need, without breaking a sweat!

Drag & Drop Editing Gives You Total Control

Want to put your own twist on a blog post or social post? Need to tweak a graphic? With a simple drag-and-drop editing interface, you’re always in control.

No special skills needed

We’ve designed AI Multisuite for all ages and skill levels. No coding, no steep learning curves. If you can use Netflix or email, you have all the “tech skills” you need!

Fully supported

Enjoy dedicated support if you need it.  Our speedy support team are here to ensure you save time, save money and get incredible results with AI MultiSuite from day one.

Commercial License (Only for early birds!)

Looking for a new side hustle, or a quick and easy way to add value to your existing agency? Secure your AI MultiSuite commercial license to offer premium services like content creation, graphic design, and website development to clients. No need to hire or train additional staff. No outsourcing. No extra overheads!

AI MultiSuite is PERFECT for…


Building websites, managing social media, creating content for clients in just minutes per day and charging a premium for each service!

Small Business Owners

Building a more professional website, automating marketing chores and attracting more leads and customers with epic content!


Adding value with in-demand services that clients happily pay a premium for, without draining agency resources or hiring new teams!


Quickly testing new niches, tapping into hot launches and dominating markets with websites, content and social posts done for you in seconds!

Vloggers & Bloggers

Instantly crank out engaging blog posts, video scripts, images, graphics and social media content to stand out and grow your followers.


Promote your services, attract clients, and establish yourself as an industry leader in your niche, without spending all day on marketing chores!

eCommerce Store Owners

From product listings to promotional materials, e-commerce store owners can use AI MultiSuite to create visually appealing content that drives sales and boosts brand visibility, in just minutes per day!

Put Your Marketing On


Just imagine if your biggest marketing chores were done for you.

What would that feel like?

You’d spend less time staring at your screen.

You’d have more time for family, friends and fun.

You’d save thousands of dollars on software, paid ads and freelancers.

You’d be cranking out daily content that helps you get free traffic from Google, Facebook, X, and more.

Your stress levels would drop…

… and you’d actually enjoy your business again!

Don’t Get Left Behind

(This is a huge shortcut)

If you’re still building websites, creating content, designing graphics, and manually posting to social media every day, you’re putting yourself at a serious disadvantage.

AI Multisuite helps you earn more and work less…

  • WITHOUT learning code
  • WITHOUT being creative
  • WITHOUT spending hours researching & writing content
  • WITHOUT spending hours on social media posts
  • WITHOUT paying $100’s for multiple tools
  • WITHOUT hiring freelancers, staff or agencies


Wow. Just "wow". I loggedd in to AI Multisite and within literally ten minutes I had connected my custom domain, connected my autoresponder, created custom graphics with the templates and the AI and was using the AI to generate posts for every social platform! They all made sense, didn't need any editing, like you normally have to do with AI, but not with AI Multisite. Again, just wow.

"Simply amazing experience. Every feature is incredibly easy to use and quick to set up. I had stunning graphics ready to use in no time. The AI-generated content for social media was spot on and saved hours of work. AI MultiSuite truly transforms digital marketing, making everything faster and more efficient. If you're looking to elevate your marketing game, this is a game-changer!"

No More Crappy AI Content

We get it — lots of AI content is garbage. Especially the free ChatGPT stuff. We’ve built AI Multisuite on the most up-to-date and fine-tuned AI tech available today. The result? Content that stands out and that people love!

With AI MultiSuite, Getting Leads And Sales Couldn’t Be Easier!


  • Creating Content From Scratch
  • Creating Content Nobody Likes
  • Paying For Ads
  • Hiring Freelancers
  • Struggling To Get Any Sales
  • Spending Hours On Tedious Tasks
  • Can’t Compete With “big” Players
  • Juggling Multiple Ai Tools
  • Paying For Multiple Subscriptions


  • All Your Content Done For You In Seconds
  • Quality Content That Real People Love
  • Free Traffic With DFY Content
  • Instant Content Without Hiring Or Firing
  • Create Trust & Authority With Content
  • DFY Marketing In 60 Seconds!
  • Dominate Your Market With Content
  • Everything You Need Under One Roof
  • One-time Investment, No Hidden Fees!

Secure Your Commercial License Now:



To Invest In AI MultiSuite Today

Succeed Faster

Launch websites and publish content at lightspeed, save months of work and reach your income goals faster than ever.

Get Your Life Back

Free up hours of your day to spend more time with your family and friends, doing what you love instead of being chained to your screen.

Save Money

AI MultiSuite is a website builder, content creator and social media manager rep all in one, saving you thousands on freelancers, hiring staff, and software subscriptions you no longer need!

Stop Throwing Money Away!

Look How Much Money You’re Saving With AI MultiSuite


AI Content Writer $29
AI Website Builder $99
AI Graphic Design Tool $29
Social Media Content & Posting $79
AI CTA Bar Creator $29
Total $186


Content Writer $500
Website Designer/Tech Support $500
Social Media Posting $500
Social Media Content Writer $299
Developer $250
Total $2,049

What Makes AI MutliSuite The #1 “All In One”
Marketing Platform For 2024?

All-In-One Solution

Create websites, graphics, content, social posts and website CTA bars in one single platform. No more multiple logins or endless subscriptions!

Latest AI-Powered Technology

create quality content, graphics, posts and websites that grab attention and attract leads & sales! 

Drag & Drop

Create and edit marketing content without any special skills. Just drag and drop. It couldn’t be easier!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Try AI MultiSuite for 30 days and if you don’t love the results, you’re entitled to a full and immediate refund, no questions asked!

You MUST Act Now!

This early bird pricing won’t last. Get your commercial license today to use for your own business or clients.

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to put your marketing on cruise control, save thousands of dollars and finally start getting the exposure your business deserves!

Your timing is perfect — with so many of your competitors turning to AI to get ahead of the pack, this is your chance to level the playing field and get back on top.

Stop wasting hours each day on tasks that AI MultiSuite can do for you in 60 seconds instead!

No hidden

One-Time-Only Payment

Commercial License Included

30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee


VIP Bonus: AI MultiSuite Commercial License - Value $297

Bonus #1

Game Changing ChatGPT Prompts

Stop staring at a blank page! Unleash the power of ChatGPT with our exclusive collection of 5,000+ game-changing prompts. Fuel your marketing, content creation, and side hustle with prompts designed to:

  • Craft Compelling Ads & Social Media : Hook your audience with captivating copy
    and engaging posts.
  • Write Persuasive Content: Craft high-converting website copy, emails, and marketing materials.
  • Boost Creativity: Spark ideas and overcome writer's block with thought-provoking prompts.
  • Find Your Perfect Side Hustle: Explore thousands of curated prompts to discover your perfect side income opportunity.

These prompts are meticulously crafted and organized across various categories, including Self-Improvement and Side Hustle Ideas.

Bonus #2

AI Image Profits

Turn AI Art into Cash Flow!

The future of income is here, and it's powered by AI. This guide unlocks the secrets of generating high-quality, unique images with artificial intelligence, then turning them into real profits.

No artistic skills required! Leverage cutting-edge technology to create stunning visuals for:

  • Websites & Social Media: Grab attention with captivating graphics.
  • Marketing Materials: Design eye-catching flyers, posters, and banners.
  • Print-on-Demand Products: Sell your creations on t-shirts, mugs, and more!

This comprehensive report and video will show you:

  • The power of AI image generation: Unlock the potential of this revolutionary technology.
  • Profitable applications: Explore a variety of ways to turn AI art into income streams.
  • Maximizing image quality: Learn how to generate stunning visuals that stand out.
  • Taking action: Discover step-by-step strategies to implement your newfound skills.

Don't get left behind! Embrace AI and start creating a profitable future with AI Image Profits!

Bonus #3

Social Ad Spark

Effortless Social Ads in Minutes!

Say goodbye to expensive designers and complex software. Social Ad Spark is your all-in-one solution for creating high-converting social media ads in minutes.

Here's what you get:

  • 150 Done-For-You Templates : Stunning, eye-catching ad banners pre-designed for any social media platform. (Support for 1080x1080)
  • Zero Design Skills Needed Easily customize everything with user-friendly PowerPoint editing. (No Photoshop required!)
  • 3-Step Simplicity: Open, edit, and export - it's that easy!

Stop wasting time and money! Social Ad Spark empowers you to create professional ads that drive sales, all on your own.

Bonus #4

Website Traffic Blueprint

Stop Website Struggles! Struggling with low traffic and unengaged visitors? This comprehensive traffic generation courseis your one-stop solution.

What you'll get:

  • 200+ Page PDF Guide: Packed with proven strategies for attracting high-quality, targeted traffic using both free and paid methods.
  • Effortless Implementation: Discover methods that require minimal time and effort to see results.
  • Actionable Strategies: Learn exactly how to leverage Facebook Ads, Solo Ads, Forums, and Affiliate Marketing to drive traffic.
  • Social Media Mastery: Turn your social media accounts into powerful traffic magnets.
  • Flexibility & Choice: Pick and choose the strategies that best fit your needs and budget.

This is the last traffic course you'll ever need! Invest in your website's success and watch your traffic (and conversions) soar!


(Massive Discount)

Commercial License INCLUDED When You Buy Now

  • AI Website Creator - Create Up To 10 Websites
  • Website Template Library - Including 70 Pro Templates
  • Drag & Drop Graphic Creator + 1000 Templates
  • AI Image Creator - Create Up To 50 Images
  • AI Customer Support - For Up To 10 Conversations Or Topics
  • AI Content Creator - Including 70 Pro Templates
  • AI CTA Bar Creator - Boost Your Website Conversions!
  • AI Social Poster - Create, Schedule & Publish Social Content In Seconds!

This Offer Will Not Last Long!

Grab It Now Before We Switch To A Monthly Fee And Increase The Price.

Frequently Asked Questions

AI MultiSuite is an all-encompassing AI-powered platform designed to automate and enhance various aspects of digital marketing and business management.

Yes. This is 100% cloud-based, so it works on any system, device or screen size, from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

Yes, we’ve got an excellent support team ready to help with anything you need, plus easy-to-follow Instructions, Tutorials and hands-on support from our team to make sure you get results. However, the software is drop-dead simple, so you’ll probably never need us!

No, AIMultiSuite is easy to use, user-friendly, and suitable for beginners. You don't need any technical or design skills to use it effectively.

No, there are absolutely no recurring or hidden costs. You only need to pay a one-time fee to secure your copy of AI MultiSuite. You must configure a valid and working OpenAI API Key in your account profile, you're all set to start creating content and graphics using AI MultiSuite.

Unlike other tools, AI MultiSuite is an “all in one” AI powerhouse that takes care of all your essential marketing needs, from building a website to creating content, social posting, social scheduling, CTA bars, graphic design and more… all done for you… saving you hours per day!

Yes. Yes, your investment in AI MultiSuite is protected by our 30 Day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you decide that AI MultiSuite isn't the right fit for you, simply contact us within the guarantee period for a full refund.

You can offer a range of services such as Website Design, Graphic Design, Social Media Marketing, SEO, Copywriting, and more. AI MultiSuite helps you serve clients who need these services.